(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update podcast is one of the most important of this year. It explains how the domestic food supply is being militarized and controlled by a corrupt, criminal regime in Washington D.C. that now threatens food security for all Americans.
To address the infant formula shortage that’s causing widespread frustration and even panic across America, the illegitimate Biden regime has invoked Korean War-era emergency powers found in the Defense Production Act, which is administered by FEMA. That act, originally intended to allow emergency executive action to shore up critical infrastructure during times of war, is now being used by the Biden regime to seize control over food supply raw materials and force companies to deliver them to Abbott Laboratories to manufacture large quantities of heavily processed, junk food “infant formula” made with corn syrup solids and processed milk proteins.
Because this effort simply redirects existing food materials, this does not actually solve any food shortages in America, it merely shifts the shortages from one product category to another.
It also stands as a centrally-planned food distribution plan that resembles communism, not free market dynamics.
Furthermore, it means that as other food shortages emerge in the months ahead, the Biden regime will almost certainly invoke the DPA to seize control of other food materials, making sure favored corporations get supply while dissident companies and small businesses are driven into bankruptcy due to lack of supply.
Welcome to Joe Biden’s America, where nothing is safe from the catastrophically bad ideas of the Biden regime and its desire to destroy everything in sight, including food abundance and affordable fuel.

DHS has already secretly seized the output of food storage manufacturers across America
As my company ( is in the food production and storable foods industry, we are acutely aware of what’s happening across that industry. We have confirmed that the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) has already seized the entire production output of several large US storable food manufacturers. Those companies were also forced to sign non-disclosure agreements in order to keep this fact a secret from the public. But careful observers will note that any food production company claiming to be unable to fulfill customer orders for many months at a time is actually under the control of DHS, forced to shift all output to the US government.
DHS is currently funneling tens of millions of dollars a month of storable food products into underground government bunkers and tunnels while telling the public there’s no need to prepare at all. Food recalls are also being staged by the FDA in order to confiscate massive quantities of foods which are redirected to government bunkers.
DHS, I’m told, is preparing for a war with China which is believed will commence before the mid-term elections this year. I will have huge details on this in tomorrow’s podcast, which exposes China’s plan to invade the continental United States with millions of PLA troops in order to seize America’s farmland, oil and mineral resources. The plan involves exterminating every last American, including all the Democrats who have committed treason by working with the communist Chinese to achieve this plan. (Such as Calif. Gov. Newsom.)
China’s invasion plan, by the way, will begin with a D-Day-style landing on the beaches of California. Every Californian civilian who is unable to flee will be executed on sight. And since California is a gun control state, the American people have been deliberately disarmed in order to make China’s invasion far easier to accomplish. (More about that tomorrow…)
Dept. of Defense aircraft are now AIRLIFTING baby food into America, using military resources to solve domestic food supply problems that should be solved by the free market instead
The insanity of the Biden regime knows no bounds. Instead of allowing the free market to solve the infant formula problem by ending the FDA’s protection racket for Abbott Laboratories and other domestic manufacturers, Biden has resorted to using Dept. of Defense aircraft to airlift infant formula into the United States.
As reported yesterday:
Biden has also directed the Health and Human Services Department and Department of Agriculture to use aircraft from the Defense Department to pick up infant formula from overseas that meets U.S. health and safety standards.
So while DoD resources would be far better utilized to prepare for the coming World War III (with either China or Russia), Biden has DoD transport planes airlifting baby food in order to try to stem the tide of frustration among US voters.
This reflects the militarization of the domestic food supply, meaning that not only is Biden invoking emergency war powers to seize and control domestic food supply materials; he’s also using the military to choose where to distribute the available food resources.
There couldn’t possibly be anything wrong with militarizing the US food supply under war-time emergency powers, could there?
Get the full details on this story and several other breaking news items in today’s hard-hitting Situation Update podcast:
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