Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας

Απ' τα κόκαλα βγαλμένη των Ελλήνων τα ιερά, και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη, χαίρε, ω χαίρε, Ελευθεριά!

Τρίτη 26 Ιουλίου 2011

"Ήρωας για τους καφενέδες ο Νορβηγός. Αφήστε τον να μπουκάρει στη Βουλή!.."


Από τον αναγνώστη μας  Άγη Διονυσόπουλο λάβαμε το παρακάτω αιρετικό e-mail για τον 32χρονο Νορβηγό

"Ποιος “μακελάρης» και απίδια μάντολες;
 Ήρωας είναι για τα ελληνικά καφενεία, ο φιλέλληνας και με αρχαιοελληνική παιδεία Άντερς Μπέχρινγκ Μπρέιβικ.
 Σκέτη φαντασίωση που προκαλεί απίστευτη ηδονή είναι η εικόνα του πάνοπλου Νορβηγού ο οποίος σαν συνεργάτης του δικτάτορα Παπαδόπουλου θα ξεπάστρευε,  πριν από το 1974, τους πολιτικούς και τα βλαστάρια τους.
 Σκέτη φαντασίωση είναι ο πάνοπλος Νορβηγός να μπουκάρει στο ελληνικό κοινοβούλιο και ν αρχίζει το κρεσέντο του θανάτου η να παγιδεύει με εκρηκτικά το κτίριο της Βουλής στο Σύνταγμα και στη συνέχεια να το τινάζει στον αέρα, ενώ από τα μεγάφωνα της πλατείας Συντάγματος θα ακούγονται τα έργα του αγαπημένου συνθέτη του Αδόλφου, Carl Friedrich Wagner.

Ο Άντερς Μπέχρινγκ Μπρέιβικ χαρακτηρίζει γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων τη Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή, μιλάει για την άλωση της Κωνσταντινούπολης από τους Οθωμανούς, ενώ κάνει και μια αναφορά στον Θουκυδίδη, μιλώντας για τη συνεισφορά του στον πολιτισμό.
"Η αντιχριστιανική τζιχάντ κορυφώθηκε το 1922 στη Σμύρνη, στις ακτές της Μεσογείου, όπου...
 150.000 Έλληνες Χριστιανοί σφαγιάστηκαν από τον τουρκικό στρατό κάτω από το αδιάφορο βλέμμα των συμμαχικών πολεμικών πλοίων", σημειώνει.

Στο μανιφέστο γίνεται αναφορά και στην τουρκική εισβολή στην Κύπρο το 1974, σημειώνοντας ότι πολλοί Ελληνοκύπριοι έχασαν τις ζωές τους και πως εκδιώχθηκαν στα νότια 170.000 άνθρωποι. Επισημαίνεται ακόμα ότι οι Τούρκοι αιχμαλώτισαν χιλιάδες στρατιώτες και τους εκτέλεσαν, τονίζοντας ότι 1534 Ελληνοκύπριοι αγνοούνται μέχρι σήμερα.
Στη συνέχεια αναφέρεται στην αρνητική απάντηση που έλαβε η Τουρκία για ένταξή της στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση εξαιτίας των φτωχών σχέσεών της με την Ελλάδα και τη διαμάχη της με την Κύπρο.
"Η κοινωνική επανάσταση έχει μακρά ιστορία που θεωρητικά πάει τόσο πίσω στην ιστορία και φτάνει μέχρι την Πολιτεία του Πλάτωνα", σημειώνει σε κάποιο σημείο του μανιφέστου.
"O Ibn Warraq κριτικάρει τον Edward Said για την έλλειψη αναγνώρισης της παράδοσης της κριτικής σκέψης στη Δύση. Αν είχε εμβαθύνει λίγο περισσότερο στον ελληνικό πολιτισμό και την ιστορία και έμπαινε στον κόπο να κοιτάξει τη μεγάλη Ιστορία του Ηροδότου, ο Said θα είχε εντοπίσει δύο σημεία που αποτελούν βαθιά χαρακτηριστικά του δυτικού πολιτισμού...
Η ελληνική λέξη ιστορία, από την οποία προκύπτει η δική μας "history" σημαίνει "έρευνα" και ο Ηρόδοτος πίστευε ότι το έργο του ήταν το αποτέλεσμα έρευνας: τι είχε δει, τι είχε ακούσει και διαβάσει, αλλά συμπληρωμένο και επαληθευμένο από έρευνα", αναφέρει σε άλλο σημείο.

Σε άλλο σημείο παραπέμπει αποσπάσματα από το βιβλίο του Α.Ε Βακαλόπουλου "Ιστορία της Μακεδονίας", όπου αναφέρει ότι η Επανάσταση του 1821 δεν είναι τίποτα περισσότερο από την τελευταία μεγάλη φάση της αντίστασης των Ελλήνων στην οθωμανική κυριαρχία.
Στο πολυσέλιδα αυτό μανιφέστο που είχε αναρτήσει στο διαδίκτυο περιέγραφε το σχεδιασμό, την παρασκευή των εκρηκτικών και το σκεπτικό που οδήγησαν στη βομβιστική επίθεση στο κέντρο του Όσλο και στην επίθεση με όπλο σε κατασκήνωση της νεολαίας του Εργατικού Κόμματος στο νησί Οτόγια.
"Το μανιφέστο αυτό δημοσιεύτηκε την ημέρα που έγιναν τα γεγονότα", δήλωσε ο αξιωματούχος της αστυνομίας του Όσλο Σβέινουνγκ Σπόνχαϊμ ."Έχουμε επιβεβαίωση γι' αυτό", προσέθεσε.
Οι φόνοι θα προσελκύσουν την προσοχή στο μανιφέστο, το οποίο ονομάζεται "2083-Μια Ευρωπαϊκή Διακήρυξη της Ανεξαρτησίας", γράφει ο Άντερς Μπέχρινγκ Μπρέιβικ.
"Όταν αποφασίσεις να χτυπήσεις, είναι καλύτερο να σκοτώσεις πολύ περισσότερους από αρκετούς, ειδάλλως διατρέχεις τον κίνδυνο να μειώσεις τον επιθυμητό ιδεολογικό αντίκτυπο του πλήγματος", σημειώνει.

Ενώ το Olympia.gr στέκεται στην αναφορά του στη φρικτή δολοφονία του παιδιού στην Ίμβρο>
Έχει μάλιστα και αναφορά στην φρικτή δολοφονία του παιδιού στην Ίμβρο, που Τούρκοι υπάνθρωποι το έκαψαν ζωντανό, επειδή δεν βρήκαν την μητέρα του σπίτι (για να την βιάσουν). Τελείως ακραίος ο τύπος. Που τα θυμήθηκε αυτά… εμείς τότε παίζαμε “ΚΛΩΝΑΤΕΞ” και ψηφίζαμε Σημίτη…
Jihad in Turkey
In a way, the Hellenic Genocide still didn’t end, as its few survivors are persecuted right
now in all territories ruled by the Turks, especially in Constantinople and Imvros. For
instance, in Imvros, in 1999, a six years old Greek boy was burned alive by the Turks.

Διαβάστε τι γράφει επί λέξη στο μανιφέστο του για τις σφαγές των Ελλήνων:
1,500,000 Greek Christians Massacred or Deported by Turks
Systematic Attempt to Extinguish the Hellenic Race Inspired by Pagan Germany
Section 19- 1918
Under the tuition of pagan Germany, the unspeakable Turks attempted to destroy
the large and flourishing Greek Christian populations that, from time immemorial,
have dwelt along the coast of Asia Minor and the Marmoran coast in Thrace.
The Mahometans (Muslims) tore these Christians from their ancestral homes,
confiscated all their property, and deported them variously into the interior of the
Asia Minor, into the Turkish pale, or over the burning desert sands to far off
Mesopotmaia. It is estimated that 1,500,000 Greeks were thus deported into
desolate regions where they died off like flies of starvation of disease.
On this dreadful journey 700,000 are known to have perished. The survivors
found themselves without shelter or food in a strange land and subjected to every
indignity and torture which the abominable Turks, and their pagan German allies,
could devise. These among the Greeks who would agree to abjure
Christianity and adopt the faith of Islam were spared [My emphasis]; the
rest were left to starve.
The wholesale deportation of the Greeks from Thrace had been under way since
the close of the Balkan Wars in 1913. It accorded not at all with Germany’s ideas
of Oriental conquest to permit these Greeks to remain in European Turkey. The
Turks were consequently instructed to extirpate the Greeks in any way they might
In justification of these wholesale deportations, the Turks falsely alleged that the
Hellenic populations of Thrace and the Asian coast were plotting revolution. The
first deportations, numbering 250,000, were from Thrace into Greece proper. This
persecution continued unabated up to the opening of the War. In this period the
Greek Government did everything possible to protect their co-nationals, but after
the World War had begun, King Constantine and his German wive (the sister of
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany), impeded every attempt made to ameliorate the lot of
the exiled Hellenes. The bishop of Pera, after journeying to Athens to implore the
King to take some action against the Turkish atrocities, was warned by the Queen
to return to his home, “as it is the will of the King that you live on good terms with
the Turks.”
All this time the German agencies in Turkey, especially the German Palestine
Bank, were urging the Mussulmans to cultivate hatred for the Christians and to
have no commercial dealings with them.
The Bulgarian-Ottoman(Turkish) Plot
Bulgaria, half Turkish itself, entered into the plot to exterminate the Greek
Christian race, by signing a pact with the Ottoman Empire, at Adrianople in June,
1915. Under this agreement Bulgaria consented (1) to the establishment of a
Turco-Bulgar commercial union as the complement of the political union, (2) the
seizure of the commerce of the Orient from the hands of the Greeks, (3) the
establishment in the Orient of Moslem agencies for the importation and
exportation of goods for the exclusive use of Moslems, who were to break of all
commercial relations with the Greeks, (4) a restriction of the privileges of the
Greek Patriarch and his ecclesiastical jurisdiction, (5) the prohibition of the
teaching of Greek in future, (6) the conversion by force of the people in the
Christian settlements and the imposition of mixed marriages. [My
Germany the Author of the Massacres
Herr Lepsius, a German Envoy who had been sent to Constantinople on a special
mission in July, 1915, acknowledged that the Greek and Armenian massacres
were two phases of a single progra66m of extermination of the Christian
elements, intended to make Turkey a purely Moslem state.
That Germany was the author and inspiration of these massacres of Christians
became known in 1917. The Greek Minister at Constantinople, M. Kallerghis, had
protested the Turkish Grand Vizier, Talaat Bey, against the deportations of the
Greeks in the Aival district. Talaat Bey promised to telegraph to the German
General Liman von Sanders, telling him to cease the deportations. Von Sanders,
who was in fact Commander-in-Chief of all the Turkish forces, replied that if the
deportations ceased, he would not guarantee the safety of the Turkish Army,
adding that the had referred the matter to the German Grand Headquarters Staff,
who entirely approved of his action.
Greeks Drafted into the Turkish Army
The persecution of the Greek Christians, under their German-Turkish master, was
carried out with devilish ingenuity. All their privileges were abolished. After an
enrollmment of Christians, there was a levy of “contributions”. Then the forcible
conversion of Christians to Islamism was attempted. Deportations and massacres
followed. Meanwhile the Turkish language supplanted the Greek language in all
the schools; Turkish geography and history, instead of Greek, were taught; the
Patriarchy was abolished. All property held by the Greek civil and religious
communities were confiscated and became the property of the Turkish State.
On Turkey’s entry into the War, a decree was signed and promulgated which
rendered all men up to the age of 48 liable for military service. The Christians
ghus drafted into the armies of the Turks were for the most part formed into
labour battalions and sent hundreds of miles into the interior, where they
employed in road-making, building, tunnel excavating and in field work for the
rich pashas. Their daily ration was half a loaf of black bread, eked out with a little
dried fish or olives. Driven like slaves and under-nourished, they died by tens of
thousands. Whole battalions succumbed to the ravages of typhus and cholera.
Many thousands were massacred by their inhuman Turkish guards. Of these Greek
battalions it is estimated 150,000 died.
Fortunes of Christians Confiscated
Some hundreds of thousands of Hellenes from Thrace and Asia Minor managed to
escape into Greece, where they subsequently fought in the Greek armies. Their
desertion was the signal for other Turkish atrocities. The property of all deserters
was duly seized and families were deported to the interior. In the district of
Kerassunda, from which 300 Greeks had escaped, the Turks in reprisal burned 88
villages to the ground. Thirty thousand inhabitants, mostly women and children,
were obliged to march in mid-winter to Angora. On the way, 7,000 died of
Meanwhile, the fortunes of many rich Christian were confiscated, and stores were
completely pillaged. Christians were forced under threats of violence and
imprisonment, to contribute large sums for the support of the Turkish Army and
Navy, in addition to their usual heavy taxes.
Finally, under a system of compulsory labour, the Christians were obliged to
cultivate the lands of the Moslems, but no time was allowed them to cultivate their
own fields. If discovered harvesting their own crops a cordon would be placed
around the village, the water supply cut off and the people were deprived of food
and drink.
After a few days of such torture, a band of Bashi-Bazouks were sent into the
villages to pillage and murder. The populations were given the choice of being
deported over the mountains, to places hundreds of miles distant, or of suffering a
lingering death from hunger and thirst. These deportations, begun in 1915,
reached a total of 450,000 during the period of the War.
During these tragic pilgrimages the poor barefooted Greeks, beaten by guards,
attacked by brigands, never resting, lacking food and water, wandered on to their
distant destinations. Thousands died by the wayside of fatigue and suffering.
While in transit, many mothers gave birth to infants, but they were compelled to
leave them by the road-side and rejoin the marching columns. En route they were
forbidden to enter the villages to purchase food.
Hundreds of young girls were detained by the Turks and forcibly
“converted” to Islamism. At Panderma, the German General, Liman von
Sanders, built an orphanage for all Christian girls who had been coerced
into accepting Islam, and compelled the Christian population to
contribute $50,000 toward its support. [My emphasis]
The Black Sea Colonies
The Greek colonists on the coast of the Black Sea were likewise deported. The
scourge of the Greeks in this region was the later Governor of Bitlis, Rafet Pasha.
More than 150,000 Greeks were deported in this district and in Trebizond, and
upward of 100 Greek villages were destroyed. Hundreds of young Greek girls,
rather than live as slaves in the harems, committed suicide by drowning.
[My emphasis]
The Order for Greek Deportations
The deporting orders to the Governor of Smyrna, signed by Ali Riga, the chief of
the Turkish Bureau of Correspondence, read as follows:
“It is imperative for political reasons that the Greeks dwelling along the coast of
Asia Minor be compelled to evacuate their villages in order to settle in the villages
of Erzerum and Chaldea. If they refuse to emigrate to the places assigned to them,
you should issue verbal instructions to our Mussulman brothers so that they may,
by all kinds of excesses, compel the Greeks to leave their homes of their own
accord. Do not, in this case, forget to obtain from these emigrants declarations to
the effect that they are leaving their hearths and homes of their own free will, so
that no political complications may later result therefrom.”
The Martyrdom of the Greeks
Half of the deported Greek populations perished in consequence of ill treatment,
disease and famine, and the survivors suffered continual martyrdom as slaves.
The Turkish functionaries, with German approval, declared that no Christian
should be left alive in Turkey unless he consented to embrace Mohammedanism.
The confiscated fortunes of the deported Greeks surpass in the value
Political Recognition
Political recognition of the events as genocide is limited, the only countries officially
acknowledging them as such being Greece and Cyprus.
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontic_Greek_genocide
2. http://www.hellenicgenocide.org/index.html
3. King, William C., King’s Complete History of the World War: Visualizing the Great Conflict in all Theaters of Aciton 1914-1918,
The history Associates, Massachusetts, 1922 pp.436-438
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Άγης Διονυσόπουλος

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